Friday, October 9, 2009

Can't shop for supplies...

Odd first post, perhaps but lately I'm finding myself in a bit of a dilemma; I can't bring myself to buy anymore scrapbooking supplies. Not because I'm making some crazy "NO spending" commitment or because I feel I have enough supplies. Nope. My reason is that I just can't make up my mind! I go into, let's say Archiver's, and I'm immediately overwhelmed by the selection in store. So many yummy Halloween lines to choose from and oh so many delicious Christmas lines. Which to choose? I can't afford to buy them all at once but even if I tell myself that I will own them all eventually, I still can't bring myself to choose which to buy now and which to buy later. What if I come back later and that particular cute set of stickers is gone?! The horror!! But I can't spend all that money in one shot! THE HORROR!!!

So, I walk out of the store empty handed. I still have my coupon in my wallet and no shopping bags full of goodies in my hands. How sad! *sigh* I don't think I've had this problem before. Maybe I am becoming a bit more selective of what I buy. I know that right now back in my SB room I have tons (in my view) of Halloween themed paper and even more Christmas themed paper and I may perhaps have 2 Christmas LOs made and still zero Halloween one’s. Still, all those themed papers and embellishments make my mouth water! I must have them, must hold them, must….my preciousssss…

LOL, OK, maybe my need for supplies is compulsory but my buying trends are becoming a bit more selective. When did that happen? I guess that’s a good thing. I know my bank account is thanking me for it. I just wish I could tell my inner Gollum to hush it!

So, this is my first post, about my need to posses fighting against my indecisive nature.
Hopefully my next post will be a bit more productive.

Stay tuned…

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